Yoga for piles: 6 asanas to help with haemorrhoids

Piles or haemorrhoids can be quite painful. Apart from taking medications, you can also do yoga for piles.

Piles or haemorrhoids are lumps around the anus. These can cause pain and itch, as well as bleed. These happen can be due to straining while passing stools, passing large or hard stools, constipation due to less fluids in the body and a low fibre diet. Even sitting for long periods of time on the toilet seat is not good for you. One of the ways to deal with piles is by drinking lots of fluid and eating foods rich in fibre to keep your poop soft. Taking a warm bath can ease the pain and itching. But you can also try yoga for piles, as there are certain yoga asanas that can help with haemorrhoids.

Can yoga cure piles?

Certain physical ailments can be generally prevented by making a few lifestyle changes. Piles is one of them, says Dr Hansaji Yogendra. Yogic techniques can be very effective in preventing piles and also controlling them from becoming worse. These techniques include the following:

Woman doing yoga
Yoga can provide relief from pain due to piles. Image courtesy: Freepik
  • Food: It is best to eat nutritious, high fiber, and balanced diet to prevent or manage symptoms of piles. Spicy foods may be avoided. Adequate water intake is also necessary in this condition.
  • Relaxation: There are yogic techniques which provide conscious relaxation to prevent any stress-related ailments. Digestive issues which lead to the development of piles can be easily managed with such practices.
  • Routine: You need to have discipline in daily activities such as exercising and getting good sleep to prevent and heal conditions like piles. Some yoga asanas are effective in managing piles, says the expert.

According to a 2017 research published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, piles may cause back pain, and yoga can help in the management of piles and the back pain caused by the condition. The stretch and strain involved in the asanas help to regulate the body and get relief from the pain.

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Yoga asanas for piles

Here are some asanas that are effective in the management of piles.

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1. Paschimottanasana or seated forward bend

  • Stretch out your legs in front of you when you sit on the floor.
  • Inhale and extend your arms towards your feet while bending forward from your hips.
  • Try to touch your toes with your hands while keeping your spine straight. After holding this pose for a few breaths, exhale.

2. Hastapadasana or standing forward bend

  • Stand with your hands by your side.
  • As you inhale, raise your arms overhead.
  • Exhale as you bend forward from your hips, bringing your hands to touch the floor or grasp your ankles.
  • Keep your spine and legs straight.

3. Pawanmuktasana or wind-relieving pose

  • Lie on your back with your legs extended.
  • Inhale and bring your right knee towards your chest, interlocking your fingers around it.
  • Exhale and lift your head towards your knee.
  • Hold the pose for a few breaths before repeating on the other side.

4. Viparita karani or legs-up-the-wall pose

  • Lie on your back, extend your legs upward and hold your back with your hands.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds while focusing on deep and slow breaths.

5. Sarvangasana or shoulder stand

  • Lie on your back, and keep arms by your sides.
  • Inhale and lift your legs towards the ceiling, using your hands to support your lower back.
  • Keep your legs straight and engage the core muscles.
  • Hold for a few breaths before slowly lowering back down.
Woman doing yoga
Balasana can help to get relief from piles. Image courtesy: Freepik

6. Balasana or child’s pose

  • To do balasana, start in a kneeling position and sit down on your heels with your hands by your side.
  • Bend forward and stay in this position for a few seconds and then come back.

These yoga asanas help alleviate piles by promoting healthy digestion, improving circulation, and reducing tension in the pelvic and anal region. They also help in relieving constipation, which is a common contributing factor to piles.

About the Author

Natalia Ningthoujam has written on various subjects – from music to films and fashion to lifestyle – as a journalist in her career that started in 2010. After getting stories from the crime scene, police headquarters, and conducting interviews with celebrities, she is now writing on health and wellness which has become her focus area. Read More

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